Sunday, October 08, 2006

Quick Ways to Get Your Site Indexed

I've been lurking around on lots of message boards for webmasters and have come up with a couple of quick ways to build backlinks.

Go find some popular message boards related to your site and post a relevant post. Make sure you include your website URL in the sig line. Popular message boards will get indexed quickly, and this does bring backlinks.

Just go to your favorite search engine - Yahoo or Google or whatever - and search for 'Forum Your Topic' or someting like that. The message boards that come up on top will be great shots for indexing.

Have fun!

Saturday, October 07, 2006

What really makes money on the internet?

People ask me what the best program to use is. I tell them that it depends.

If you're on internet total newbie, and are overwhelmed by websites, search engines, affiliate links, etc. then you may want to start with EBay or Survey Taking.

Really - probably most people are using The Bay of E for income growth. I, personally, think there are easier ways - but I know a wee bit about the internet. This is not bragging. This is not - I'm better than you.

It's just that I've been online for awhile, can put up a website, and understand something about traffic generation. With affiliate marketing, you don't need an inventory, you don't need to handle sales or customers... you just drive sales leads to the actual seller, and they CLOSE THE SALE. If you hook up with a great closer, you're in!

You can click here to take a look at a Free BLOG all about drop shipping and EBay.

Now survey taking sounds like a scam, but people - usually women, sometimes men - who work at it - get hooked in to survey companys and actually supplement their income this way. You can mess around and look for free information on survey taking, or you can save yourself some time and invest about $30.00 in a do it yourself kit. The most popular guide to survey taking is the Survey Income System.

You can click here to Look at the Survey Income System - It also has info on mystery shopping, making money from ads on your car, and more tips like that. I know a lady who made $1500 one summer mystery shopping, and she said she had a blast. Now $1500 isn't a full time income, but it supplemented her schooling, plus she had kids and a husband - so that's kind of cool. I assume to make a full time income, you have to work at this stuff like a job. I know - it always comes down to that!

As for affiliate marketing, let me say this. I am still looking for a good beginner guide. My guide, five years back, was just to jump in, land on my butt, and then try again.

This is my pearl of wisdom: Giving away somethig free is the easiest! For instance, now I have the most success with Free Information. The surfer has to give contact information for the free information. Basically this contact info is sold as a LEAD to a company that will try to approach them to make the sale. Closing, and all that is left to the other company. All I have to do is SELL the surfer on the idea of giving me an email address and some other general information. I get paid for this, since leads are valuable!

If you are interested in affiliate marketing, and you already know a bit about the internet, I like this new e-book: Affiliate Project X. I like it because it's basically a step by step guide to picking a good product, making a selling page for that product, making great advertising copy, and then various ways to get people to read your ads.

The topics on pay per click and adwords are probably worth the price of the book! Chris, the author, will explain what you are missing in setting up pay per click adwords campaigns. I know I certainly needed to know that, since my adwords campaigns were dismal failures before.

He also gives other traffic ideas, and some of them are for free trafic. He tells you how to find out what the super affiliates are doing, and how to copy their success.

Now this e-book is not free, but I think you will be happy with your investment after implementing one or two of his strategies. You can go to his website and sign up for a FREE NEWSLETTER which will also give you tips. In fact I did that at first, and then I got hooked and bought the E-Book!


Thursday, October 05, 2006

In internet marketing everything old is new again!

All the young guys and gals in internet marketing have tons of new buzz words. However many of the same things that were important a few years ago are the same things that really do matter today. Actually with increased competition, and smarter search engines, the old standards are even more important than ever. Of course, surfers are getting more sophisticated too!

In the old days, sticking to the rules helped, but we had a lot more room for error. We could exchange links with anybody, plaster our pages with banners, and write horrible copy. Given time, new surfers would show up and somebody would buy something.

But even now, I think you can make a lot of mistakes as long as you remember that CONTENT IS KING! I believe that surfers come to the internet looking for products and information. If they can find your site and also find updated content that they are looking for, surfers won't care if you site uses the latest technology or is designed perfectly.

Some of the most productive internet sites have humor or news as content. These sites are not lovely, but they provide a place where surfers will revisit to get their daily opinions, news, or humor. Carefully placed ads on these sites make them very profitable.

One easy way to put content on your site is through free reprint articles. Look at a Self Publishing site Like PublishMyself.Net

Welcome to Internet Marketing and Website Traffic

As the owner, webmaster, and grunt for several websites and blogs, the main thing on my mind is traffic. Actually, to misquote, website traffic isn't just the main thing. It's the only thing.

You could design the most beautiful website, with wonderful ad copy, tons of content, and all of the forums, blogs, and mailing lists in the world, and you won't make any money if nobody comes.

If you are a beginner, the first ways to gain traffic you will probably learn are:

Search Engine Optimization and Submission
Pay Per Click
Directory Listings
Exchanging Links with other sites
Posting Articles with links back to your sites
Starting a blog
Joining forums and user groups
Offline advertising

Well, that list was off the top of my head, but it's probably the bulk of what I done. I do make a living online, mostly through affiliate marketing and advertising on my sites, but I cannot always give myself, much less somebody else, a surefire tip to bring quick traffic.

I do have some ideas about which things are quicker than others, and which traffic methods shold be started with a long term view. A lot of it is trial and error. Affiliate marketing and Internet Advertising give us the opportunity to have flexible hours, work from home, and enjoy some freedom and control. But it's a slippery slope that's constantly changing.

Well, anyway, that's my first post. I'll continue to follow up with articles on different methods of growing traffic, especially different methods of viral marketing. Feel free to comment.