Free Affiliate Marketing System vs. DJK and Company
I have just finished reading The Free Affiliate Marketing Sytem and was very pleasantly surprised. I compared it to Affiliate Project X and the New Chris book, Day Job Killer. Now everybody has their own style of things that work for them, but The Free Affiliate Marketing System was much more in line with the way I do things, and gives a great plan for newbies to get started, for for old dogs to learn some new tricks.
Online Marketing on Auto Pilot
I pride myself on being a fairly old hand at online marketing, having started about seven years ago. I'm nobody's guru, and am pretty content to just quietly make my own living on the internet in various ways. It's a challenging, creative calling, and while it's hard to explain to other people what affiliate marketing is, I love my job! The thing about Pawell's book is that it concentrates putting your marketing on auto-pilot, and then moving on to more marketing. In my opinion, DJK will just give newbies a headache.
Oh Chris of DJK and Affiliate Project X IS A GENUIS...
He's smart alright, but not for the reasons you might think. All this crap about
stealing secrets from the gurus is possibly marketing hype. However, no doubt is tips about using Google Adwords can be effective until everybody else starts using them, if they haven't already! The Direct X Linking Method involves linking directly to the affiliate which we'd all love to do if Google didn't just make a rule that only one affiliate link per product can appear on a page. In order to nudge your competition off the page, you'll have to be pretty savvy and work your rear off!
The thing about this guide, and that most of the guides that promote using adwords or other Pay per click engines to promote products, is that the authors want you to spend your money to promote their products! If you're not savvy enough to make pay per click a good investment in your time, they've still sold you their book! If you are savvy, then they make even more money as you pay for traffic to visit them.
Internet Marketing Review of Day Job Killer and why you shold not waste your hard earned money!
Everybody will Benefit from Free Traffic
The difference is that the FREE AFFILIATE MARKETING GUIDE (no it is not free - just much cheaper than Day Job Killer - and tells you how to get free traffic), is that is does not require you to spend a cent on traffic. Another problem with paid traffic is the fact that your faucet shuts off as soon as you pause or stop your campaign! Other people are also competing with you, and unless you constantly manage your pay per click campaign it's bound to fail, either because you get shoved down into the 17th page, or your bid price rises out of profitablity.
The techniques in Pawell's book will keep traffic flowing for years after you've forgotten about them. He gives the exact method and location of High Credibility Sites you can backlink from which will give you almost instant traffic and link recognition.
Look, if your still not convinced, on the first day of the DJK launch, I searched for it on Google and Yahoo. The Free Affiliate Marketing Guide Review came up first on both engines in the Free Traffic Searches!
These searches are more credible anyway, because everybody knows that the sponsored links are, well, sponsored!
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